Saturday, December 4, 2010

Funnest Thing We Did This Summer...

We went to Cascade Springs to hike and also went fishing at Tibble Fork Reservore. It was BEAUTIFUL! I don't have very good pictures but I am going again this summer because Cascade Springs is amazing so I will get more then. The girls love fishing. We suck at it, and having never caught a fish I find it very very boring ( I did catch a fish at the golf course once, but thats another story and I dont count those fish because they are golf course fish and not wild fish). They have their little poles and little tackle boxes, they get jeff to bait their hooks and I get to stand back as they cast. Dangerous...of course, but apparently they will eventually get the hang of it. This is also the trip that I messed up my ankle on, stupid paved trails! 5 months later and I am still trying to recover

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