Friday, September 19, 2008

Don't ya just LOVE it!

So I thought I would post a couple of cute things from Abbi, since I am using this as kindof a journal as well as a show off space :)

Abbi "Mom don't ya just love it"
Me "love what?"
Abbi "Homework, I just love first grade because there is soooo much homework!"

I bet I don't hear that in a few years.
and dropping B off for school this morning

Abbi "I will miss you so much today and tonight"
Me " Well, I will miss you, but only today because I am picking you up at grandmas after I get off work. And I can't wait to see you again."
Abbi "Well don't you think it would be more fun not to see me until in the morning and that way I could have a sleepover and miss you all night!"

I think I will hear that one again!!

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